Mobile Klinik is Canada’s #1 resource to buy, sell, repair, and connect mobile devices. Seeking to improve their backlink profile, grow visibility, and drive more traffic, they enlisted the help of seoplus+ for a Digital PR campaign.
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- Grow backlink profile
- Grow visibility
- Drive more traffic
- Create clarity for customers in a pandemic
- 2020 is a year that no one will ever forget, the start of a bizarre shift in our everyday “normal.”
- The Coronavirus unprecedentedly shifted our world, shutting down many businesses and forcing them to pivot their strategy to reach customers and continue to generate income.
- Mobile Klinik, leader in professional smartphone and tablet repair, refurbishment and resale, had to adapt its business model from an in-person customer destination to a distance model.
- Mobile Klinik pivoted its model by offering customers on-site mobile repair, mail-in service repairs and curbside pickups at shopping mall locations.
- Mall locations closed for indoor shopping, offering only curbside pickup at the beginning of 2021, which presented a big challenge for businesses in these establishments.
- As society relied heavily on mobile devices to conduct their professional and personal endeavours, having a phone in tip-top shape was imperative. Customers also needed access to quality phone repair services that offered timely repairs.
- Therefore, Mobile Klinik needed to adapt its business model from in-store service offerings to branching out to other options like curbside pickup and service, mail-in service, on-demand mobile repair service, etc.
- Since the service offerings and business landscape were constantly changing, it was important for all local customers to be aware of the hours and alternative options in each location.
- The information needed to be updated and consistent on all available platforms as many customers often refer to mall websites as an information hub.
- Understanding that shopping mall locations are imperative for Mobile Klinik’s business to customer model, all shopping mall store hours and store details needed to be updated for customers to access them once mall locations opened.
- seoplus+ located all of Mobile Klinik’s 88 shopping mall website locations. Through this search, we wanted to ensure that every website location had its hours and details updated along with a link back to their website.
- Twenty-three locations were identified as not linking back to their location website.
- After finding the contact information of each shopping centre, we reached out to request a link to the specific Mobile Klinik location. After conducting this outreach, Mobile Klinik generated 23 do-follow backlinks.
- These successful placements continue to play a role in their SEO campaign.
- Throughout April and May, 23 links were successfully landed from these efforts.
- As a result, in March 2021, Mobile Klinik had less than 20,000 sessions on their website, and by July, it grew to over 97,000 sessions.
- About 72% of those sessions were from new users, meaning that the leads from the backlinks have contributed to their organic web traffic growth.
- From March 2021 to July 2021, Mobile Klinik’s citation flow & trust flow have improved from 19/40 to 25/40.