You know that creating compelling, relevant, and engaging content is a cornerstone in any successful online marketing strategy. You can’t establish your authority in the field or connect with your audience out of thin air – you need to publish informative and interesting content. What if you’re stuck and can’t come up with any ideas? You have two options – give up, let your website remain static, and watch your readers turn to your competitors. Or, you can find inspiration from others:
Group brainstorming sessions
When you’ve got writer’s block, it doesn’t mean that you’re out of ideas. You know everything there is to know about your business, you just have trouble articulating your thoughts and putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, these days). This is why it can be helpful to brainstorm with willing individuals. Ask your colleagues, industry peers, or associated contacts for ideas. What kind of content would they like to read? What questions have they always wanted answered about your field? What industry-specific concepts would they like to see clarified? Getting someone else’s perspective can always be helpful. You can also use the brainstorming session to trigger ideas of your own. A coworker might bring up a suggestion that indirectly reminds you of something important.
Solicit ideas from your readers
If you have an established online presence, you likely have a group of readers who routinely read your content and engage with your work. If so, don’t be afraid to ask them for suggestions. Get on social media and ask for topic ideas. Perhaps they want to see more timely and topical content, or more in-depth articles that are published less frequently but are a lot more informative. Asking your readers can be very helpful because it lets you know exactly what kind of material your target audience wants to read.
Interview an expert
Here’s a great tip courtesy of PingPress – If you feel like your idea well has run dry, you can replenish it by interviewing an expert in your industry. Even a short conversation over the phone can provide enough material to fill a post. You can interview a respected and well-established individual in your field, and encourage them to share the resulting post on their own website and social media. Another strategy is to pose a controversial question relevant to your industry to a few different piece. Structure their replies in a debate post and you’ll probably get people talking.
Guest post
If you still feel like the writer’s block won’t pass, you can turn to another writer altogether. Do your research and find a talented writer who could benefit from exposure on your website. They can write a compelling post that offers a completely different perspective. Even just a few posts from guests writers can give your content a fresh new voice and keep your readers coming back for more.
Don’t let writer’s block stand between you and a successful content marketing strategy. Keep producing high-quality content with these tips.