Social Media

Social Media Etiquette for Businesses

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Graphic of 4 people thinking with bubbles above them with social media icons in them
Graphic of 4 people thinking with bubbles above them with social media icons in them

The New Year is just around the corner, and many of us already have personal goals set for 2015, but have you thought about your business goals? If they include utilizing social media to the fullest, it is extremely important that you use it properly, and professionally. Here are our top social media etiquette tips for businesses:

Don’t over-post

Although it is important to share things with your followers and keep them updated on news, events, and promotions, it is equally important not to over post. This being said, it is perfectly acceptable for you to share several things a day, but make sure the posts are spaced out, and have relevant information. Rule of thumb, don’t become a crazy cat lady and share several photos of your house cat looking cute. Instead, share one thoughtful post of your cat and other relevant information throughout the day.


Sharing news with your followers is always great, but it is also important they engage with you! Think of creative ways you can get them to become involved in your social media accounts. This can include running a social media contest, asking them a question, and posting a photo to ask your followers if they €˜Like’ it or not. Rule of thumb, don’t be a social media wallflower, engage your followers!

Respond to questions, comments, and reviews

Social media doesn’t just require posts, but also responses. Getting a negative review of your business is probably just enough to make your blood boil, but don’t take it personally. Instead, opt for a polite and kind response. This will show the commenter and others that you care about their business, and are up to solving the problem. Rule of thumb, you get more followers by being nice then being rash.

Include images and mentions

Once upon a time social media was mainly text, fortunately that has quickly changed to include a large variety of aspects including mentions, images, videos, and games. Although we do not recommend inviting your followers to join Farmville, we highly recommend including them in the posts and including images.

Mentions help get your followers engaged, and the images provide them something to focus on. They say a picture can paints a thousand words, and that saying couldn’t be truer. We live in fast paced world and providing an image can help tell your business’s story. Rule of thumb, don’t just share text, make your posts dynamic and likable!

From our business to yours we hope that 2015 is a great social sharing year!

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seoplus+ Team

The award-winning seoplus+ expert team includes experienced and driven digital marketing specialists and business advisors. Since 2012, seoplus+ has provided demand generation and business growth services to companies ranging from SMBs to multinational enterprises. seoplus+ is best regarded for expertise with multi-location brands. Our team's rich and diverse backgrounds range from SEO, PPC, social media, content creation, digital PR, UX design, web development, and ecommerce, to customer success, lead generation, and growth strategy. seoplus+ is also an SEMrush Agency Partner, Google Premier Partner, and Shopify Partner.

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