Mobilegeddon snapshot
What is Mobilegeddon?
Google announced that mobile-friendliness will be a ranking factor in mobile search results as of April 21. So businesses without a mobile website will be difficult to find on mobile devices soon.
Why should I care?
Between 25% and 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. If these prospects stop finding you, you will lose valuable traffic and sales.
Temporary solution
There is a WordPress plugin called “Any Mobile Theme Switcher.” It can convert a non-mobile website to mobile in a couple minutes! (warning: this is only a short term fix)
Step 1: take the test
Find out if your website is mobile-friendly at
Step 2: choose a mobile solution
- Separate URLS: create a second website that displays on mobile devices
- Dynamic Serving: website serves different version of the site based on the browser being used
- Responsive Design: website automatically changes layout based on the screen size
Step 3: use a band-aid solution while the site is being designed
- If your website is managed by WordPress, you can use a plugin called “Any Mobile Theme Switcher”
- Another option is creating a temporary mobile website to ensure that you don’t drop in rankings while your new website is being designed.
Step 4: complete a mobile website audit
A. Have a website audit completed to make sure your mobile website is set up and optimized correctly. You can get an audit completed here: