SEO Glossary: Crawl Budget

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SEO Glossary: crawl budget
SEO Glossary: crawl budget

The vast web may seem limitless, but Google’s resources for crawling and indexing websites are not (same with all other search giants). This finite allowance is called crawl budget. It represents the amount of time and resources Google allocates to visiting, analyzing, and understanding the content on your website.

Think of crawl budget like a trip to Disney World. Though you may want to, you can’t possibly explore every attraction in one day. Therefore, you prioritize the most appealing rides and popular eats. For example, you may want to revisit an attraction you’ve already been to if you’re heard there have been renovations, just to see what it’s about. Similarly, Google allocates crawl budget based on various characteristics, like website size/structure and content freshness.

What is a crawl budget?

Crawl budget refers to the number of pages a search engine’s crawler, such as Googlebot, will crawl and index on your website within a given timeframe. This budget is determined by a combination of two factors: crawl rate limit and crawl demand. The crawl rate limit is the maximum frequency with which crawlers will visit your site without degrading the user experience, while crawl demand is how much the search engine desires to crawl your pages based on site popularity and freshness.

Why is managing your crawl budget important?

Effective management of your crawl budget ensures that the most crucial pages of your site are crawled and updated in search indexes regularly, thus improving your site’s visibility and user engagement. Here are some reasons why it matters:

  1. Optimized resource allocation: By managing your crawl budget wisely, you ensure that search engines spend their allocated crawl budget on your most important pages, rather than wasting it on irrelevant or duplicate content.
  2. Improved indexing: New or updated content gets indexed faster if your crawl budget is used efficiently, helping you stay competitive and relevant.
  3. Enhanced SEO performance: When search engines can crawl more of your important pages, it can lead to better SEO results as more of your site’s content is available to rank for relevant queries.

How can you optimize your crawl budget?

Optimizing your crawl budget might sound daunting, but it involves straightforward strategies that can significantly enhance search engine crawling:

  1. Prioritize valuable content: Use the robots.txt file and meta tags to direct search engines towards high-value pages and keep them away from low-importance pages or duplicates.
  2. Improve site speed: A faster website can handle more visits by search engine crawlers without hitting the crawl rate limit, allowing more pages to be indexed.
  3. Fix crawl errors: Regularly monitor and fix any crawl errors (like 404 errors) in Google Search Console to prevent waste of your crawl budget on non-existent pages.
  4. Update content regularly: Keeping your content fresh encourages search engines to revisit your pages more often, making good use of your crawl budget.

By managing your crawl budget effectively, you not only improve your site’s health but also enhance its potential to rank well in search results. Consider it a strategic investment in your website’s future in the vast online marketplace.

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The award-winning seoplus+ expert team includes experienced and driven digital marketing specialists and business advisors. Since 2012, seoplus+ has provided demand generation and business growth services to companies ranging from SMBs to multinational enterprises. seoplus+ is best regarded for expertise with multi-location brands. Our team's rich and diverse backgrounds range from SEO, PPC, social media, content creation, digital PR, UX design, web development, and ecommerce, to customer success, lead generation, and growth strategy. seoplus+ is also an SEMrush Agency Partner, Google Premier Partner, and Shopify Partner.

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